Big Screen is nestled in the hills of Allegany, New York just a short drive from Buffalo, Erie, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. 

My love for the Australian Shepherd dates back as far back as I can remember. I was lucky enough to have Dr. Susan Bokman-Leitzan, DVM, of Silver Screen Aussies (USASA HOF#2) as an Aunt and mentor extraordinaire. My entire childhood was spent growing up at her kennel, in her veterinary office, and traveling to dog shows across the country where she taught me so much about the breed she loved. Since her passing in 2004 I have been truly blessed with an amazing group of mentors consisting of all breed professional handlers and true preservation breeders whose knowledge is invaluable.

At Big Screen Aussies we strive to produce healthy, loving, beautiful companions that fit the breed standard with correct structure, movement and temperament. We want our dogs to become their owners' best friends whether competing in various dog sports or excelling as family friends extraordinaire!

Our dogs are a very important part of our lives.  Their mental and physical well being is of utmost importance. Our dogs have 10+ acres of grass, woods, and a pond to play in. Daily romps outdoors are followed by nights spent jockeying for the best position on or next to the couch!

Member of the following clubs: USASA, ASCA, PEN-NY ASC



Nicki & Ryan Williams
Allegany, New York


Copyright © 2022 Big Screen Australian Shepherds. Design by Jillayne Karras